เลขาธิการมูลนิธิรณรงค์เพื่อการไม่สูบบุหรี่ แนะลดสูบบุหรี่และดื่มสุรา เพื่อป้องกันไข้หวัดใหญ่สายพันธุ์ใหม่
Answer by the Law of Kamma :- Making merit for 7 days, 50 days and 100 days
When a man had passed away, according to the Buddhist custom his relatives could make merit and dedicated to him for 7 days, 50 days, and 100 days. What is the reason behind this custom?
Raleigh man looks to help end soldiers' suffering as Army's 1st Buddhist chaplain
佛历二五二五年﹝西元1982年﹞,法身基金会及国际佛教社团举办了第一次的佛学联考,称为"前进之道"。此计画是由法胜法师──法身寺住持、法身基金会主席所提倡的。他希望让成年人与青少年有机会学习佛法,用佛法来教导自己过正当的生活,既具有世俗的知识又具有道德,能够发展自我并且促使社会及国家更加繁荣与昌盛。 由于这样的因缘,泰国大学生与佛学社的成员在佛历2525年﹝西元1982年﹞集合起来举办了第一次佛学联考,名为"前进之道"。内容包括了三十八项吉祥的生活方式,应试者共计382人。此后每年报考佛学联考的在籍学生人数逐渐增加,从百到千,从千到万,甚至百万。到了佛历2541年﹝西元1998年﹞,参与此活动的人数便高达4,732,291人,他们分别来自泰国国内的19,839所学校。
Nepal's Buddha boy asks to stop sacrifices of animals, birds during Hindu festival
Answer by the Law of Kamma :- Making Merit and Identification
How does the name relate to the merit dedication?
Answer by the Law of Kamma :- My Dearest Children
The story of a couple who would like to know why they have good and smart children
Answer by the Law of Kamma :- Having a stubborn daughter
The story of an audience who has a stubborn daughter